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Tins. And Wax!

I seem to be all over the place these days. Prolific, yes! But frittered.

I still have more herring tins to come but they seem to have migrated to the back of the pile.
I did finish this one, though. And it might be my fave to date.

This one includes two special elements.
  1. A photo of my husband's grandmother (on the right) in front of the Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, an iconic symbol of Nova Scotia.
  2. Plaster wings using Madrat Rubber's (is Gretchen still in business??) coolio wing stamps. If you look closely you'll notice the wing on the left actually broke. I love using broken then patched bits in my work. That whole Wabi-Sabi thing I guess.

And while I still have a few unfinished tins to work on ... and after a brief clothes-making interlude(like I said. prolific. FRITTERED!!)... I pulled out the wax.

On Instagram I saw this wonderful filtered photograph with cracks and texture of a simple monochromatic image and it set my brain cogs twirling. I've been wanting to play with some of my own photographs for awhile and the combination of cracks and softness just scream WAX! to me.

This is still very much a work in progress but I like where it's going.
One note though: Red is HARD. (ie it gets everywhere you don't want it!)

And of course, while I had the wax out I started to splodge it on all that pre-Christmas plastery goodness. Firstly I added legs (aka scrolled up wire) and fences (nail 'posts' wrapped with thin florist wire) to all the houses then I let loose with the wax.

I love love LOVE the combination of plaster and wax hence the reason  I signed up for Stephanie's class in fall Waxenplast. You should join me. It's gonna be goooood!